Monday, July 28, 2008

One thing that stinks about being pregnant

One of the worst parts of being pregnant is nesting, which I admit it, I am currently stuck in this stage. I cannot get enough done in the hours of the day. Even though I know I have plenty of time to get everything ready for the baby I feel like I am running out of time. I was finally able to get Brayden moved into his new room. I am not going to be posting pictures, because he is just "moved in". It is not decorated because buying stuff for boys is sometimes not very fun. I am still trying to decide how to decorate his room, so it will probably not get done until after the baby is here. I am proud of him because he did last until about 12:30 a.m this morning in his new room. He is very excited about his room, but when I talk to him about sleeping in his bed he says that he can't and that he needs to sleep with his mom and dad. I now I am probably a bad mom for letting him sleep with me, but I am too tired to fight with him about it. At this point I am lucky to get about five hours of sleep at night and when I am able to sleep I don't care who is sleeping in my bed as long as I am asleep. Well okay, I might be a little selective. We also moved the guest bedroom back into the basement this weekend. Hopefully withing the next few days Ryan will clean up the computer room, however, we are running on different time frames, so I think that will probably be done by the end of August. It is times like this that I wish my OCD mom lived around here to clean my house and get everything ready.

One other thing that I am over joyed about reporting is that I believe after 3 years and 3 months of changing Brayden's butt he has finally decided that he is ready to use the toilet and we have gone over one week without any "big" accidents. Now I just need him to stop peeing in the backyard and go in the toilet, but at least it is not in his pants.


Kate said...

Yeah for Brayden!!

When you get done at your house, you are welcome at mine.

Charity and T said...

Woo hoo! The little guy must have decided he wanted to make it to the pool this summer!

Laura said...

Awe, a big boy bed- and big boy undies!! That's awesome!