So we went to Fetal Fotos to get some pictures of the baby. I love doing this. We also did it with Brayden. I have posted 3 different pictures. The top two are of the new baby and the third is of Brayden so everyone can compare the two boys. I am going to go back within the next week or two because he was folded in half and would not bring his legs down from his face so we were not able to get a good look at his face. We tried to get him to move the entire time we were there, finally the tech said that we were going to have to come back to see if we could get a better look at his face. He is already stubborn just like his mommy. In some of the pictures we were able to see that he has hair. Now the only question is what color it is going to be. I told Melissa that it would probably be red but we will see. After we went to Fetal Fotes I went and bought a new camcorder so now I will be able to post video easier. YEA!!!