Thursday, October 16, 2008

Twice in 2 months

So a few weeks before Jase was born I had put Brayden to bed and was enjoying some alone time. So I popped myself some popcorn and was watching my trashy tv shows that myself and only a select few people enjoy. While I was eating my popcorn I was looking for the "old maids" when all of a sudden my old maids were moving around in my bowl. Upon closer inspection I found a little spider inside my popcorn. I was so disgusted and disappointed. Then last weekend I was at my sisters house and we were having a family dinner. We got done making tostada's and I was sitting at the table and had consumed half of my dinner when all of a sudden I looked down and my hamburger was moving. Again, upon closer inspection there was a spider on my tostada. REALLY? Who would have 2 spiders on two different occasions in there food. YUCK.


Anna said...

First of all, old maids totally remind me of you. In fact, I still have to remind myself not to save them for you.

As for the spiders - I swear it happens in multiples. Circa 2004 it was the year of the worm for me. Within two weeks I found a worm in my broccoli and later in my granola bar.

Laurel and the boys said...

Wow, Heather, I'm sure that's a sign of some sort. Or maybe just really bad luck? Gross. I feel for you.

Amanda said...

'tis the season. I think it's just to get you in the mood for Halloween. Or maybe someone was playing a Halloween trick on you.

Laura said...

Seriously what are the odds? That is crazy!! Reminds me about day old rice I ate once that had freaking maggots in it. I about gagged. So CONGRATS on Jase!!! Was it just as cool for #2? He is so beautiful and I am so glad you are all doing well. I am so happy for you guys!!!! I'm sure your in heaven!